Thursday, 17 May 2012

Tutorial Two: PO1 part 2
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Tutorial Two:  Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging.

So the occupation and relevance to fieldwork placement is school. For my second placement I was placed at Brockville Primary School in Dunedin.
I picked this as my topic as it’s something that everybody can relate to, or remember times/memories from their school days. Within my times in room three, I was involved in supporting the children with the different tacks that they have to done. Such as; news, writing maths, gym, reading and an activity that myself and another class mate run, which was face relation. I enjoyed my time at Brockville primary working with the children with the different activities that I did with them, along with helping the teacher with anything that needed to be done.
Doing, being in the moment, partaking in at activity/task that has been asked of you “purposeful, goal orientated activities” (week two – digital imaging). This is shown in my power point on part 2, slide number 3.
Being, you are their doing; the job, activity etc. You are involved in something take captures your attention, emotions or feelings. This is shown in my power point on part 1, slide number 7.
Becoming, the wish for the future, “who or what we wish to become” (week two – digital imaging). This is shown in my power point on part 2, slide number 10.
Belonging, where you sit in society, you group of friends, or even family. It’s were you feel most happy, safe, ‘at home’/at peace with yourself and the world. This is shown in my power point on part 1, slide number 8&9 and on part 2, slide number 4-7.
The ethical considerations I took on board, when finding these pictures where; talking with the teachers and principle of the School, to find out if I could take some photos. I know that some of the children at the school were not allow having pictures taken of them, so I found pictures of the children at the school, on the internet. I references the photo’s I have used from the internet.

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